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    {Feature Friday!}

    Jan 28, 2011

    Rachael May Photography

    Portland, Oregon

    1. Tell us a little bit about YOU.

    I am a photographer by passion :) I can't imagine doing anything but photography and you can find me exploring the beautiful landscapes of the Pacific Northwest if I am not capturing the sweet, and amazing families that live here. I have two little boys who just light up my life! I love the great outdoors, hiking, camping, and running. Right now I am training for the Half Marathon in the San Juan Islands, WA.


    2. How did you get into photography?

    I have always been into photography...as long as I can remember. When i was about 8 or 9 I took pictures upon pictures of just stuff, of course with my little point and shoot film camera (which I still have)! When I got into High School I took my first SLR photography class and sine then I have been associated with photography in some form or another. In college I chose a major in Chemistry so I got away from my camera more then I woul have liked, but after a move across the United States and falling into life as a military wife, I decided to pick up where I left off and have been neck deep in photography "stuff" ever since.


    3. Are you doing photography as a business or a hobby?

    I am running a business right now...but it will always be something I love!


    4. What is your favorite subject to photograph? Why?

    My favorite people subjects are kids ages 2-6. I love this age because little ones that age are so REAL. Their expressions and opinions are just so true to who they are that I absolutely LOVE to capture them. I work really well with kiddos this age because I think I have a unique respect for their spunky, shy, silly, and loveable ways! I am pretty relaxed with this age group and tend to let them be who they are, which I think helps in capturing their emotions so well!

    If it isn't people then landscapes are my favorite. I am still learning all I can right now to photograph them better...but I find I truly love to do it :) I don't have a favorite landscape scene right now...but I do love mountains so I wouldn't be surprised if I end up shooting a LOT of those ;)


    5. Who is your inspiration? Do you have any favorite photographers?

    I am really inspired by Ansel Adams for my nature work. I absolutely LOVE black and white photography and have even thought of doing it exclusively...maybe in the future. I currently have an Ansel Adams calendar book and I have been using it as inspiration on a weekly basis in my nature photography!

    Hands down my most favorite portrait/lifestyle photographer is Tara Whitney. I love how she captures people's emotions. When taking family portraits I think that is the most important thing an she does it exquisitely...and VERY naturally. I really aspire to shoot in a similar manner because I think trends will come and go..but the smile on your young child's face will never stop making your heart melt..why not capture the REAL smile.


    6. What tips/advice do you have about photograpy and running your own business?

    My biggest tip about photography is READ YOUR MANUAL! And then keep it close while you read any other photography book. Blogs are a good source of information but the photographers that write some of the books out there are amazing, and have been doing this for 20+ years. I think we could all stand to learn something from them (not to mention support them). I highly recommend Michael Freeman, Bruce Barnbaum, and David DuChemin (who has a blog that is definitely worth reading). There are MANY others out there...but those are the authors I have connected with to date.

    My biggest tip to running a business...of course, don't sell yourself short-but be confident in where you are going. Do your homework...if you are borrowing money from another source to further your business...then you are NOT in business and you need to fix that.


    7. Tell us a strange or interesting fact about you.

    I have been to almost every state in the United States! I have about 10 states left :) I have a thing for traveling...so this is pretty huge for me! When my boys are older we'll start tackling countries :)

    One Response to “{Feature Friday!}”

    Steven and Sabrina Jenks said...

    Great pictures!!!! Love her work!