• Archive for August 2010

    Aug 30, 2010

    Sweet Little Addalyn

    Addalyn wasn't feeling so good the day of our shoot  :(  She was a little timid at first and I made her cry within the first 10 minutes!!  :((   But her mommy played her favorite song on her phone and she started jamming to the tunes.  It was the stinkin' cutest thing!!  lol

    Here's just a sneaky peek for now.

    Aug 28, 2010


    How cute is this little girl?!  We had so much fun trying on these cute little bows and tutus with her!  She wasn't having any of it near the end, but that's ok!  We got what we wanted  :)

    mmmm!  yummy :)

    she had a hard time looking at me so mommy got a good workout trying to get her attention  :)

    don't you just want to squeeze these little cheeks?

    And I bet you are all wondering where she got her cute little outfits, huh?  Well, they were made by yours truly  :)  I like to think that I am creative and I love it when I get the opportunity!  See something you like?  Check out Kim's Creations for more!

    Aug 26, 2010

    Halloween Mini Sessions

    Can you believe it's that time of year again?!  Well, almost  :)

    These sessions are perfect to get some photos of your little ones (or big ones!) in their halloween costumes and/or outfits!

    AND if you schedule your mini session for September, I will throw in 15 greeting cards for 20% off! (normally priced at $25).  You choose the size!  Now who could pass that deal up?  :)

    Aug 23, 2010

    Tea Time

    Wow, 2 posts in one day?!  I'm on a roll!!  I just had to share a photo from last night's session with Kate & Maddy.  Aren't they the cutest little girls you ever did see?  

    More to come soon :)

    Lissa May

    I'm going to come right out and say it...I DON'T like these pictures.  Why?  They are just another reminder that my little baby sister is, well, not a baby anymore :(   She's a full grown teenager!  She's a sophomore in High School so this was just practice for her senior photos.  And guess what?!  She's taking a photography class in school!!  I ♥ her  :)

    Aug 21, 2010

    Swimming in a Sea of Blue!

    I'm having a romance with blue eyes right now.  Don't get me wrong, I love brown eyes (how could I not?  Maddie's are brown! lol).  But, I've gotta say, you can't go wrong with a sea of blue  :)

    Aug 20, 2010

    Sweet Cheeks!

    Cheek out these sweet cheeks!

    And what about those sweet cheeks?!?!  :)

    Aug 16, 2010

    Kim's Creations

    My mom makes some of the cutest stuff!  She makes the cutest tutus, headbands, and jewelry!  But she didn't make these gems....I did!!  :)

    I love when I get to 'help' and be creative!  And I love how these turned out!!   If you would like to see more (or make a purchase!) head on over to Kim's Creations!

    Aug 8, 2010

    Happy Birthday!!

    My little girl turned 2 yesterday!! Hard to believe she's not my baby girl anymore :(   And next year, PRESCHOOL!! Ahhhhh!!!!!.......

    Aug 5, 2010

    Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

    Whew!!  What a GREAT contest!!  Thank you to all of you that participated!  I really have the greatest fans :)

    So now, the moment you've all been waiting for!

    Our new Queen is:


    And our new King is:


    Congratulations you two!!  Our King and Queen will recieve a complimentary photo session with a 20% discount on prints!  And because they broke the record for most votes, they will also recieve a free 8x10!!  

    But Wait!!

    There's more :)

    We have a 3rd winner!

    Because you all helped me reach over 1,000 fans on Facebook!

    And the randomly chosen winner is:


    Congratulations Kaylee!  She will recieve 50% off a photo session and 20% off a print order!

    CONGRATULATIONS to all of our winners!!  And thank you so much to all those that participated and made this a great photo contest!